Nothing can describe the immense feeling of satisfaction that all of us had after a 24hr non-stop competition regrouping hard working students, devoted teachers, committed partners and TAEF investees companies and fellows.

TAEF Open Innovation held in Kairouan on April 13th-14th is a one of a kind adventure that gathered 50 talented students, TAEF partners Netinfo, Mix Learning, ISET Kairouan, Flat6Labs Tunis & Go Market and impressive teachers who dedicated their time in mentoring, coaching and assistance with the objective of spreading the entrepreneurship culture based on practical projects and cases.

Special thanks to TAEF investees companies Carrelages Choisis de Gabés (Gabes), Proxym IT (Sousse) and Seemba (Monastir) who committed to our Open Innovation initiative by proposing concrete projects and issues exposed to the students for resolution and by offering the right support to the winning teams during the pre-incubation phase of 6 months to follow the competition. Special thanks to ISET Kairouan teachers also willing to provide the needed help and coaching to bring the selected projects by the jury to the next phase. Last and not least, special thank to our long time partner Africinvest for their support to TAEF pilot project.

Pictures and video nicely and professionally done by Rascène Gacem

Let’s not forget to thank also Elhiwar Ettounsi for creating such a great reportage on TV and all the media: ilboursa.com, L’Economiste Maghrébin, Radio SABRA FM (page officielle) and Shems FM (page officielle) !

To know more, have a chance to go through the media coverage including press articles, a reportage on El Hiwar El Tounssi ( tounes el yaoum), interviews on Sabra FM and pictures of our event!